1. Brass oil lamp, gimballed. With glass flue, brass flue cap, lamp shade & Sitka spruce mount.
2. 12-v cabin lights: Halogen (1 ceiling, 2 reading at bunks).
3. Berth cushions, starboard & port.
4. Brass clock and barometer. (Clock movement needs to be replaced.)
5. Wallas #1300 cabin heater (2010), 4100 BTU/hr. It has a balanced draft and runs on mineral spirits. We had a stainless steel fixture made, which surrounds the inlet/outlet flue cap on the cabin top (visible in some photos on this website). To prevent lines fouling the cap when it is open, this fixture has an attachment point where a removable SS arm connects to ensure the summer cover stays clear. The heater controller is 12v, and there are an external fuse and a safety switch. The flue pipe is visible in the photo above. The stoves draws from a 1-gallon poly fuel tank in the aft section of cabin bilge. The stove heats this small cabin well.
6. Alcohol cook stove & pots: It is a Trangia Duossol 2.0 stove set, style 25-21 UL/D (120251). We use it in the cockpit, on the port side. It stows under the cabin ladder. Its wind screen is built in. Included are 2 aluminum pots and 1 pan (all w/ stainless steel inside surfaces) , and 1 aluminum kettle, a burner, a flame adjuster and pot grip-handle. The stove is very stable (large diameter base compared to height).
7. Other Kitchenware: Dishes, mugs, utensils.
8. Water storage: A narrow 3 gallon water jug under interior sole, in addition to the 6-gallon jug (previously mentioned) in the starboard cockpit locker.
9. Stowage hammocks under-shelf for each berth & another for fruit & veggies in the foreship.
10. Fire extinguisher.
11. Dankness preventer, with fan. 100 Watts, 120v. 2018.
12. Companionway boards: They are hardwood, and the top one is louvered. For the bottom panel we normally use an alternate one of thick plexiglass, with vent holes. It lets in more light.